The Kyunghyang Forum 2017
The Kyunghyang Forum, organized by Kyunghyang Daily Newspaper in celebration of its 70th anniversary, looks at the trend of our era and prepares its second forum with future oriented themes.

Rapid technological development is offering us both challenges and opportunities. The fourth industrialization that hints breakthroughs in our lives is already in our industry, society and culture. The first and second industrial revolutions took place thanks to the invention of steam engine and electricity. Now, after the third industrial revolution based on digital and internet, the mankind is preparing for the era of the fourth industrial revolution with various technologies including AI, IoT, big data, cloud, self-driving cars, robots, new materials and also their convergence. Already, many major advanced countries including the US, Japan and Germany have been establishing national strategies and policies in order to preemptively respond to future changes and to have a lead in the future. The fourth industrial revolution will determine the success of a nation and society as it would bring the transformation to the global industrial structures and market economy models.

The Kyunghyang Forum, the place of innovative discussions responding to the changes of the times, has selected 'The 4th Industrial Revolution-New Opportunities and New Challenges' as this year’s theme. This forum will bring together world-renowned businesspeople and scholars, the pioneers of the fourth industrial revolution. The forum will feature lectures and discussions that will offer an insight to the future of which direction Korea's society and economy will be and also a development strategy of the overall economy.
Title The Kyunghyang Forum 2017
Theme The 4th Industrial Revolution - New Opportunities and New Challenges
Date 28th June 2017 (Wed.) 09:00~17:00, VIP Tea Time 08:30~09:00
Place Lotte Hotel Seoul Crystal Ballroom (2F)
Host Kyunghyang Daily Newspaper
Partner Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Financial Services Commission, Small and Medium Business Administration, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Korea International Trade Association, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency

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