The Kyunghyang Forum 2024

Since its establishment in 2016, the Kyunghyang Forum has suggested roadmaps for the Korean society based on the major challenges and zeitgeist of our times, such as the fourth industrial revolution, the climate crisis, inequality, and post-pandemic world order. This year's <Kyunghyang Forum> secures breakthroughs to the collapse of the global cooperation system and the crisis of a divided society under the theme Bridging the Divide, the Value of Diversity and Inclusion.

The intensifying division and the dismantlement of the global cooperation system is deepening social polarization. The tendency of fandomization of political supporters is vitiating the value of representative democracy, and the gender conflict is further exacerbated into a feud. Now, walls are being built between generations, regions and classes. Conflicts with others lead to negativity and hatred, not agreement and inclusion. A society that should be advanced in a democratic direction is instead taking a step backwards. Many of the global leaders elected through voting are anti-democratic or dictatorial. Politics is now serving as a catalyst provoking and inciting conflict instead of resolving it. Minorities are being pushed out. This being so, more efforts are needed to overcome division and restore proper order. It is more crucial to prevent democracy from retreating through solidarity than ever. In this regard, the Kyunghyang Forum will discuss how the values that we should pursue, such as diversity and inclusion, can be the solution.

In this regard, <Kyunghyang Forum> plans to discuss the ways to move forward on the path toward diversity and inclusion with various experts from home and abroad including former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary RODHAM CLINTON, Professor Yascha MOUNK at Johns Hopkins University, Dean YAN Xuetong of the Institute of International Relations at Tsinghua University, author of Minor Feelings and Professor Cathy PARK HONG at UC Berkeley, and Professor Emilia PALONEN at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Title The Kyunghyang Forum 2024
Theme Bridging the Divide, the Value of Diversity and Inclusion
Date Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (8am ~ 5pm)
Place Lotte Hotel Seoul (2nd Floor Crystal Ballroom)
Languages Simultaneous interpretation provided in English & Korean
Host The Kyunghyang Shinmun
Sponsor Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Contact (General inquiry) +82 2 3702 1776 /

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